Welcome to the world of Blessing Crosses!

These crosses came into reality when I realized I often manifested beautiful gifts, people and animals into my world. We were living in a beautiful home, had an amazing family and love was present. Mind you, it wasn’t always this way. I started manifesting what I wanted instead of focusing on what I didn’t want. Some days I just wanted peace and quiet, others, I would ask my Angels what I needed and material things, special people or the kindest animals, like my son’s service dog, would just show up! I started wondering if this was a skill I could teach others. In a meditation, I got a loud and clear message “yes, with Blessing Crosses! Make hundreds of Blessing Crosses and show people how to manifest a life they will love.”

Writing this, I know it sounds odd but why would I argue with a practice of meditation and prayer that worked?

The next time I walked into my glass studio, that message kept repeating itself over and over and over in my head “make Blessing Crosses, all different ones, different themes and colors” and so it began! Colors, embellishments, bobbles, all wanting to be put into a Blessing Cross!

That fall, I launched the first Blessing Crosses and I couldn’t make them fast enough! I loved sharing this process with others. This continued until there were changes in my life that had me focusing on moving across the country and my glass work came to a sudden halt! The crosses would be packed away for months and the teaching stopped.

I’m so happy and grateful to say that it’s not only back, the classes are forming on how to make your own Blessing Cross and the Angels are sending me amazing materials to work with and add to them to enhance your manifestation powers! God is good, really good and anything I can do to remind people to pray is worth the investment of my time and energy!


Below are some of the various crosses I have created and if you hurry, you might be able to grab your very own from the shop!

Many of my collectors love the nature as much as I do so bringing in a little ocean magic and stars created a natural vision of calmness. The color green is a very nurturing color.

Once in a while I’ll find the most amazing pieces of jewelry! I have to admit, it’s hard to part with those but I know they will find their way into the perfect hearts!

The color I associate with Heaven is this beautiful blue. I’m love how the white whispy glass creates images of clouds with this gorgeous shade of blue shining like the beautiful blue sky.

I have crosses in many colors. Glass is a magical medium that transforms with the light. Think about what you would like your cross to remind you to manifest and if I don’t already have one made up and waiting in the shop, send me a quick message and let me know!

If you’re already living a life you love, awesome, manifest more of that! If you want to add something to your life like a new home, relationship, people that can help you with what you’re up to in this world or maybe a puppy or a new horse, these crosses may be the blessing you’re looking to add to your lif